Tim Hinman talks about audio, radio and the internet

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It was nearly a year ago that Tim Hinman from Denmark’s Third Ear came to the Whitechapel Gallery in London and presided over one of the most memorable In The Dark events we’ve had.

For the past two years Third Ear has produced interesting and engaging internet audio of the kind that would have been unlikely to have existed had it been tied to a big broadcaster. For an example of what we mean, you need only take a listen to The Garden which we are featuring with subtitles in this very newsletter.

On that night in Whitechapel in November 2010, the room was packed and there was a real sense of hope that small creative online projects such as Third Ear were emerging and getting financial support. Sadly, a year on and Third Ear has hit rocky times. We’re hoping it’s not the end, but for the time being, the project is taking a well earned rest. In the meantime, it remains a creative model of what independently produced internet audio has to offer.

We caught up with Tim earlier this month to find out how and why Third Ear came about and to hear his thoughts on the future of online audio.

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