Throughout October we’re going to be running a radio station with a twist! The Default Mode Radio Network is a broadcast and livestream. Named after the ‘Default Mode Network’, an area of the brain associated with daydreaming, this collaborative broadcast project invites participants to explore radio as a mind wanderer’s medium. At intervals throughout the […]
If you’re feeling excited by our upcoming London event with the Grant Museum all about urban wildlife, then we have an exciting opportunity to be a part of it. Break out your microphones, smart-phones and personal recorders and capture the sound of urban nature, for the chance to win £300! Competitors are invited to submit […]
We’re not the only animals to call our cities home. Join us for an after-hours exploration of the sounds of urban wildlife, as part of our year-long collaboration with the Grant Museum of Zoology. It’s the sound of the city, like you’ve never heard it before. If you’ve ever been woken up by the sounds of […]
Many apologies, we’re afraid this event has been cancelled. For our first event for the the “Rest and its discontents” exhibition we’re collaborating with writer and journalist Penny Anderson. Penny is known for her unique artwork that combines overheard tetsimonies with the traditional craft of cross stitching. Penny will be giving a beginners how-to that […]
In The Dark’s Nina Garthwaite will be on a panel including Psychiatrist Philip Asherson, literary scholar Shannon McBriar and psychologist Joydeep Bhattacharya to discuss mind-wandering. The event is chaired by BBC presenter Claudia Hammond. As recently as a decade ago, the phenomenon of ‘mind-wandering’ – which is to say: a kind of mental restlessness; an […]
As part of our varied activities for the “Rest and its discontents” exhibition, we’ll of course be doing a good old-fashioned In The Dark curated listening. This time it will be on the theme of restless inner voices. From unwanted thoughts to flights of fancy, radio has long been a medium that likes to explore […]
For our final event for the “Rest and its discontents” exhibition we’ll be exploring the Hubbub of News. News is available 24 hours a day. It’s hard to avoid, but would we be happier without the hubbub of news disrupting our rest? Are there new ways of creating news that can avoid making us feel […]
Bristol folk. We’ve missed you. We’ll be back after the summer with a special event at the Cube Microplex…. The RadioCinema, a communal, lights-out listening event celebrating the best in audio storytelling from around the world. This is cinema for the mind’s eye. Road movies, horror, sci fi, romance, noir, art house – we’re hitting all […]
Later this month we’re off to Otherfield documentary festival to bring a little audio magic to the proceedings. There will be the return of our hugely popular “One Night Stand” x-rated listening event, we’ll be holding a workshop on “Sound as a Character” and hosting a film version of our “audio wake”. We hope to […]