• The Dark Room Launches in London

    A new initiative from In The Dark: The Dark Room is a new way for feature-producers at all levels to develop independent audio projects in a supportive, friendly and professionally-led environment. Whether you have reels of raw tape you want to get editing, a rough cut that needs a few more ears on it or […]

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  • The Guardian responds to our letter

    In The Dark – and 250 of you – objected to the Guardian cutting daily radio reviews from the paper. Here’s the letter we sent their Readers’ Editor. He promptly responded, and gave us permission to make his response public: Thank you very much for your petition. As you know you and your 250 colleagues […]

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  • Support Resonance FM! Bid for exclusive John Wynne Sound Piece + 1 year’s free entry to In The Dark events!

    To help with Resonance FM’s 2012 fundraising auction, In The Dark Records have created 3 Secrets – a one-of-a-kind CD of an original 4 minute sound piece created for In The Dark by award-winning sound artist John Wynne, with cover lovingly hand-made by Nina and Connor. Never before released and never to be released again! […]

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  • Thurs 8th March, 8pm – In The Dark feat. Sean Street @ Bethnal Green Library

    On 8th March Sean Street will be curating an evening of stories told through sound at the beautiful Bethnal Green Library. Sean’s book “The Poetry of Radio – The Colour of Sound” was recently published by Routledge and Sean will be talking more about the book and playing pieces that have inspired him over the […]

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  • Bring back daily radio reviews to the Guardian!

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Early this year, The Guardian cut its radio reviews from daily to weekly, and we said “booooooo, hissssss!” To that end, we’ll be sending a letter to the paper to ask that they reinstate the daily article. Follow this link to read the letter >> And if you’d like to add […]

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  • Bring back daily radio reviews to the Guardian!

    Early this year, The Guardian cut its radio reviews from daily to weekly, and we said “booooooo, hissssss!” To that end, we’ll be sending this letter to the paper to ask that they reinstate the daily article. UPDATE: Two hundred and fifty of you have added your names, by email, Twitter and in person as […]

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